Monday, 3 August 2015

Day 1

The real start day has arrived! Left the Esplanade around 9:15 surrounded by good wishes and warnings to "be careful". Lost my way (briefly) at the first large roundabout beyond the river! 

Short aside. For reasons I won't bore anyone with I have different valves on the front and back wheels.  I also let air out of the tyres for the flight. Thought it a good idea to check pressures and pump up them both. Dodgy pump completely deflated the front tyre! Stopped several cyclists who didn't have pumps and (worryingly) had the other valve type on their tyres. Seems the Presta valve is not popular in Croatia.  Anyway these fine chaps helped me out. They are car mechanics but, amazingly, had a converter for the Presta valve (need one if those).

Problem solved I continued towards Karlovac.  Route is initially flat through farmland. Then it starts to climb through a series of wooded valleys. Villages are unremarkable. 11:00 am is usually beer o'clock on these long rides but with a relatively late start and the delays I thought 12:00 wood be better. No bars! Weather cloudy but hot, especially with the climbs. The boys of this region must be mighty thirsty. It was 1:35 before the first bar hove into sight. Sweaty and happy face below.  

I was the only customer and there was a Croation paper for me to read. Happily, like the Sun in England, it appears that the words are secondary (and possibly unnecessary). A fine publication (see below) which I will be checking for daily updates! Main news is that Croatia is populated by gorgeous women who spend their days in bikinis (or less). The boys play sport (football, basketball, and water polo from this edition) and occasionally (presumably if there is a dispute over a result) Cage Fighting. 

The rest of the journey into Karlovac was uneventful. The first shop is - a bike shop! One which has the aforementioned, and desired, valve adaptor. Perfect. Lunch. 

Leaving Karlovac you immediately get the hang of what's coming. A long, 15% grade, hill. Good news is that these mountains (mountains by British standards) are really pretty. Villages well kept and houses quite alpine in appearance, especially the more recent builds.  Climbed and climbed then dropped to the absolutely gorgeous Dobra river valley.  Could have stopped at this point but it was late afternoon, the sun was warm, and the valley bottom dreamy.  eventually had to climbout of the valley back into the hills and started getting tired as the sun dropped and roads steepened. No water up here in the streams and very sticky myself. Called into a bar around 8:00 and met these very nice Germans from Munich who treated me to beer and gave me directions to a nice (and cheap  - £20 for the night) hotel. Awesome.  Pics from the day below. Goodnight!

Pics from the day

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